LAboratoire PLAsma et Concersion d’Énergie
Université d Toulouse /CNRS / INPT
Multi-sites (se référer au site web)
- Croissance
Famille de matériaux
- Oxydes
- Énergie
Réacteur(s) ALD
Publication n°1
" In situ IR Spectroscopy as a Tool to Better Understand the Growth Mechanisms of Plasma Polymers Thin Films "
Plasma processes and polymers, Volume 12, Issue 11, November 2015, Pages: 1200–1207
Publication n°2
" Deposition of Polysiloxane thin films containing silver particles by an RF asymmetrical discharge "
Plasma Process Polym., 4, 127-134 (2007)
Publication n°3
" Characterization of thin film deposited with MMP DECR reactor from Zirconium tert Butoxide precursor "
Surface & Coatings Technology 205 (2011) S198–S203
Contact pour le GDR RAFALD