The first RAFALD workshop was organized in 2015 in Grenoble and gathered :
• 126 people among whom 21 students (PhD students).
• 32 participants from the industry (25 different companies).
• 24 academic laboratories: 11 of the Institute of Chemistry (INC), 6 of the Institute of Physics ( INP), 6 of the Institute of Engineering and System Science (INSIS), 1 of the Institute of the Information Science and their Interactions ( INS2I). 2 French-speaking laboratories outside France (LIST, EMPA). 4 directions(managements) of the CEA (French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission) DRF / DEN / DISPLEASURE / DRT among which the LETI and LITEN / Ines
The workshop was supported by 20 industry sponsors (equipment manufacturers, precursor provider, ..) and 11 institutions.