
The direction committee (CoDir) is in charge to follow and manage the GDR RAFALD. It is assisted by webmasters for the actions of communication.


Contact address : gdr-rafald-dir(at)

Director Nathanaelle Schneider, IPVF, CNRS, Palaiseau

Deputy director Elisabeth Blanquet, SIMaP, CNRS, Grenoble


Damien Coutancier, IPVF, CNRS, Palaiseau

Alexandre Crisci, SIMaP, CNRS, Grenoble

Arnaud Mantoux, SIMaP, UGA,Grenoble

Mathieu Weber, LMGP, CNRS, Grenoble

Administrative manager Claire Vialette, IPVF, CNRS, Palaiseau

The steering committee asseses the scientific strategy and the actions of the GDR, and evaluate the various applications (mobilities, workshop organisation, ...).

It is composed of:

Mikhael Bechelany, IEMM, Montpellier

Elisabeth Blanquet, SIMaP, Grenoble

Marceline Bonvalot, LTM, Grenoble

Brigitte Caussat, LGC, Toulouse

Alain Esteve, LAAS, Toulouse

Christophe Labbé, CIMAP, Caen

Catherine Marichy, LMI, Lyon

David Munos-Roja, LMGP, Grenoble

Lionel Santinacci, CINaM, Marseille

Nathanaelle Schneider, IPVF, Palaiseau

Frédéric Schuster, CEA, Saclay