Presentation of the GdR

The research network "Groupement de Recherche" RAFALD (GDR 2009 «Réseau des Acteurs Français de l’ALD») was created by the CNRS on 01/01/2017.

This network aims to strengthen the links between the ALD (Atomic Layer Deposition) community and to extend it to new users, by pooling their skills and know-how, organising training activities and encouraging exchanges between academic and industrial partners. The aim is to seed new projects, propose innovative materials and advanced processes in a « materials by design »  strategy. Our ambition is to gather knowledge from "traditionnal" applications (microelectronics, energy) and also spread it towards new fields (biology, health, aeronautics, spatial, ...)

The objectives of the GDR RAFALD are therefore threefold

  • to consolidate the network, to concretise exchanges and to share knowledge and know-how related to the ALD technique
  • to open up to the outside world and make the technique known
  • scientific monitoring and prospective studies.

The GDR2009 "RAFALD" is currently supported by several CNRS institutes: INC (hosting institute), with the support of INSIS and INP via the teams involved or the "Sections du Comité National" (15, 11, 14, 8, 9, 10, 11, 3, 5). It is funded by the CNRS, the CEA and sponsors solicited by the hosts of the events. It is governed by a Board of 16 people. It brings together about 160 people (including 110 permanent staff) in 30 teams from CNRS units, universities, CEA, engineering schools, etc. ....

The GDR is divided into five main areas:


Innovative processes and industrial transfer

Energy Transition

Digital Transition


RAFALD's various activities include

  • the organisation of scientific days, including the RAFALD congress organised every year over three days in November
  • support for inter-team mobility
  • creation of platforms for the exchange of information and equipment
  • organisation of training sessions, thematic schools, etc.